An intercom is the access control system that allows two–way audio and video communication between a person inside premises and a person at the entrance. The entrance into the building depends entirely on the approval or disapproval of the person inside.

It includes a central unit located at the entrance and separate stations allocated inside the building.

Advantages of using an intercom systemAbout Intercom Systems

• Ease of use

Intercoms are similar to standard telephone devices and do not require any additional training to be used.

• Access control

Using a built-in two-way communication device gives you total control over access since a person at the entrance must use the intercom to ask you for access and identify himself/herself.

• Advanced security

Any unwanted visitors can be denied entrance.

• No additional costs

The intercom does not use the public telephone network, so no additional charges for using it apply.

Types of intercom systems

• Wired

Wired intercoms utilize the central electrical system to enable communication and are practically built-in to the facility.

• Wireless

Wireless intercom systems are the right solution for buildings without proper wiring. Options for these facilities include: call boxes, handheld radios, or traditional desktop intercoms.

• Carrier-current

This type of intercom system is connected to the AC power source to produce AM frequency.About Intercom Systems

• Video intercoms

Using a video intercom allows you to hear and see the person you are communicating with.


The earliest predecessor of the intercom can be traced back to the 19th century and used voice tubes. Sometimes these tubes, were up to several hundred feet long, transmit voice between a unit in the building and entrance, and be considered the earliest ancestors of what we now call an intercom.

The first leap forward happened in 1894, and Kellogg’s Intercommunicating Telephone System linked two phones located in separate rooms. The first step towards a wireless intercom system was in 1956 when Brattain and Bardeen won the Nobel Prize for a transistor’s revolutionary design.

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